
Week 4 Comments

October 2, 2024


The league has perfect record symmetry this week. Each division has two teams with a 3-1 record, two teams with a 1-3 record, and one team with a 2-2 record. Does that mean that there is parity between the two divisions? No. Not by a long shot. The Silent Bob Division has outscored the Jay Division by 352.34 points. The top two point scorers are in the SBD. And even then there is a point separation of 65.44 points between the two. I’m not saying we crown FNG as our “Most Points Champ” for the 2024 season just yet. However, The Dinamos were unfortunate this week to face them on a day where FNG set the season record so far for game points scored with 204.04. Notice the symmetry in that score? The Dinamos points scored weren’t the lowest of the week, but they would have lost to eight other teams. The rest of us better start throwing up points instead of our dinners over low scores and close margins.

Speaking of close margins, we had two games this week that where the winning team won by less than four points. The Reckoning held off a very hard charging Offsides MotherF******! by 3.70 points. I think they really were offsides. The other game was even closer as Finkle & Einhorn extended their winning streak to two games evening their record in the process by a 1.94 margin over Devils Snare who extend their losing streak to now three games. Big Daddy went toe to toe with our defending champion. In the end it was the Sloppy Sparrows who were triumphant evening their record at 2-2. Big Daddy falls to 1-3. Sleepy Squad barely had to awaken and roll out of bed Sunday to get in the win column as Anal Explosion found it challenging to score points this week. At 194.24 points behind in the most points race I’m not saying that they can’t win it. After all there are still ten weeks left in the regular season, so I suppose it is still possible they could rise to the top.

The amount of injuries that are spreading like a virus through are teams is maddening. Months of draft prep is wiped out on one or two plays. Dreams of winning the coveted “Flembardi” trophy are turned into nightmares by one or two plays. Drafting two picks at the end of every odd numbered round is no longer possible because of one or two plays.

Injuries are not new and in many cases they are the great equalizer. Injuries allow a poor draft to look good. Injuries allow an inferior team to a championship. This year injuries are making me wonder if it might be a good idea to either 1) expand the rosters, 2) expand IR spot, 3) Blame it on Fantasy Karma, or come up with some other solution to navigate the injury minefield.

Good luck this week. Let’s all have a moment of silence asking for an injury free week.

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